FHA Quality Control - Training

May 26, 2022 BY MQMR Blogger



Does FHA require specific training of a Company’s QC staff as part of its QC Plan?



Yes. A HUD-approved mortgagee is responsible for ensuring that all QC staff are current on the FHA requirements for the FHA Loan Administration practices for which the Mortgagee is responsible.


In particular, HUD’s Handbook 4000.1(V)(A)(2)(b) specifies as follows:


The Mortgagee must ensure that its QC Plan provides for the following required reviews.

  • The Mortgagee must train all staff involved in FHA Loan Administration and QC processes to ensure that staff knows all current FHA requirements for the FHA Loan Administration practices for which the Mortgagee is responsible.

  • The Mortgagee must maintain a list of all training provided to staff. For each training, the Mortgagee must include a summary of the content covered.

Additionally, the Mortgagee must provide all Loan Administration and QC staff with access to current FHA guidance including Handbooks, Mortgagee Letters (ML), Title I Letters (TI), Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), and other guidance issued by FHA. The Mortgagee must confirm that all Loan Administration and QC staff have access to the internet or to the hard copies of current FHA guidance.